Rethink Shul.

Follow the magic—come explore endless possibilities in Jewish life through our innovative and ground-breaking musical approach to all things Jewish.

and see what everyone’s talking about!


Here’s what people are saying about The Song Shul’s services on Shabbat, festivals and High Holy Days:

The services were the most enjoyable I have experienced on Rosh Hashana in a long time. The services felt natural and happy and we are still smiling. (Felicia P.)

It was wonderful to experience the beautiful sound and feelings in The Song Shul today. This is truly the start of something big. (Mel F.)

Thank you so much for coming up with this wonderful idea to satisfy those of us who require, beyond all else, music to move and inspire us in order to attend services. This type of shul is the answer to my searching. (Marilyn A.)

It was so beautiful, so moving, so truly wonderful!!

Aliza is a force of nature…elegant and charming and informative… Vivienne Ziner

The Toronto Festival Singers and Cantor Simon Spiro are second to none!! The sound produced chills and tears, as usual. Aliza Spiro is better than any possible Rabbi; informative, smart and funny.

Thank you for for providing for the first time in our lives, excitement about going to shul.

(Carol Mitchell and Richard Venn)

Loved the service—enthusiasm, warmth and knowledge shone throughout. What we liked best was how enriching the whole process was – both musically and informatively – and most importantly you both made us feel very welcome in a family like setting (Rhonda W.) 

The Song Shul is marvelous! The music is a joy.The Rosh Hashanah service was one of the most beautiful and comforting services I have been to. (Judy Feld Carr, C.M., Mus.M.)

Thank you Simon Spiro, Aliza Spiro and The Toronto Festival Singers for an awe-inspiring Rosh Hashana! There wasn’t the usual buzz of people talking in the background—people were thoroughly engaged with the beautiful music and davening, the thoughtful speakers and the tidbits of information that Aliza provided! I learned so much and I sang so much!!! Thanks for bringing such meaning to the prayers! (Rosette Rutman)

This is exactly what I have been looking for.

The service felt participatory and not like a concert from a high bimah. Aliza’s “rabbi” comments were wonderful, both entertaining and enlightening. (Debra A.)   

I want to thank you for the happiest and warmest Rosh Hashonah and Yom Kippur that I have spent. I actually was dancing to the wonderful music. You kept the program going with your warmth and intimacy and made us feel like we were one family praying together. (Dorothy Devorah Pullan)

How wonderful the Yom Tovim were for us and our families. The atmosphere brought back memories of our childhoods and the times we all attended shul downtown with bubbys, Zaida’s, moms, dads, siblings, cousins, and various other relatives! I think you have created a shul monster as Carole can’t wait to attend the service for Sukkot! (Marvin S.)

The ritual committee did a flawless job in dispensing with honours and keeping everything on schedule to THE MINUTE! The venue lent itself beautifully to the service and the acoustics were superb. Despite its large size, it lent itself to a feeling of intimacy.

You could hear a pin drop during the services and people were practically glued to their seats. There was very little walking up and down and distracting conversations in the aisles and pews, unlike other places. Most importantly, so many were singing with incredible fervour. VERY MOVING! It was such a sight to behold the choir in ALL ITS GLORY! If one closed their eyes they would think they were hearing a heavenly chorus of CHERUBIM.

Aliza and Simon have truly outdone themselves! Aliza functioned as a virtual “rabbi” by guiding attendees through the service and explaining all the highlights in a simple yet profound way that people of varying levels of knowledge could understand. She got right to the point rather than engage in long winded, Ivory Tower diatribes.

Simon was truly amazing once again! During his recitation of Hineni, I began to tear up.

This has proven to be hands down my BEST ROSH HASHANAH EVER!!! The choir, the cantor, Len and Bill, and Aliza all made the events an experience that brought back great memories of shul going of our youth. The cordial, relaxed atmosphere was a pleasant respite…

As I came into the auditorium on Monday and heard your voice and the voices of the truly incredible choir I was so moved, it brought me to tears!  There are no words to express my gratitude as you both have uplifted my spirit!


